Sunday, June 28, 2009


In just 1 week we'll be staggering, bleary-eyed, into Denver International Airport at 4:30 in the morning to catch a 6:15 flight to Virginia. I'll be coming straight from work, so I imagine I won't be that bleary-eyed.
I'm anxious to see Virginia again. A whole year has passed. I wish we had time to get back to Campbell County, but our stay only covers the annual Gibson family beach week in Virginia Beach.

I've begun training for a marathon (which one is TBA) and this morning my workout consisted of a 6 mile run. Usually, the air out here is so dry, there is no mistaking the smells and sights for anything similar to home.

That was not the case today. It has rained nearly every day for the last week and the ground is soft and dark with moisture. The grass is deep, emerald green and flowering plants along my route are growing nearly out of control.

There's moisture in the air too. Actual humidity and when it rises from the pavement it has the scent of rain and plants mixed with oil and exhaust from the vehicles. There's nothing sweeter than that to me.

It transports me back to English Tavern Road, Suburban Road, Hydaway Road, Highway 24, and all the miles I ran along them trying to forget about this or that girl, or just work through my own confused teenage emotions.

Familiarity--perhaps, is what I seek. Colorado has not, in the 5 years I've been here earned it from me.

Virginia is my one home, and I miss her as an absent suitor.

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